Our Pastor
As pastor of PBC, I am excited to see the great work our Lord is doing here as well as in the City of Wallace and the surrounding area. As Chris Tomlin wrote, “Greater things are yet to come; Greater things are still be done in this city!”
I am a native of Jacksonville, and have lived in North Carolina all my life. My wife Misty and I have been married for 27 years, and God has blessed us with two daughters, Haleigh and Lindsey. We are grateful you have stopped by our website, and viewed the ministries we offer for your family. However, I invite you to come visit during one of our services. I also invite you to send me an email with any questions you may have. You will find that Poston is not a place of perfect people, but rather a broken people serving a perfect Savior. We at Poston welcome you with open arms, no matter your background, your vocation, your skin color, your religious traditions… we just want to share the timeless message of Jesus Christ in a fresh and clear way! I look forward to seeing you here!
We aim to get you Engaged in Christ-centered worship. It is our desire that each person be Empowered to discover what God wants to do in their lives, and as a result, Endure to the end; walking by faith and not by sight! You know, God can change the world with just one soul that is totally committed to Him. Why not let that be you? Come grow with us as we aim to grow the Kingdom of heaven.
Serving Him with gladness,
Christopher W. Jarman